My Opponents


~ At one time we were 5 democratic candidates: In April 2015 Priscilla Taylor and John (Juan) Xuna announced their campaigns quasi simultaneously.  I think it was in June when Melissa McKinley announced hers, and then a month later did Jonathan Chane.  The multi-millionaire Randy Perkins was the last one coming into the picture, I think that was in December. 


~  Not sure why Randal decided to run, other than to have a better chance for lobbying for his business endeavors as a 'Congress Insider' (he is president of Ash-Britt, a “hurricane recovery” service company that has made millions from FEMA, and other federal agencies.  The press had good reasons for questioning Randal's methods, his very active –you could say: compulsive- lobbying, and their handsome contributions from his family and his company to both Parties, irrespectively of which side of the aisle.  


~ The pro-Israel PACs are now supporting Chane all the way, and if they succeed to make him –and others like him- elected Congressmen then the war with Iran, and more involvement in the Middle East, would be highly likely.  They reject the agreement that Obama and Kerry reached with the Iranians, and would like to get rid of it.

 ~ JAC-PAC is dangerous.  Why?  Because, that PAC is under the umbrella of AIPAC, and has been created by progressive Jewish women.  So what? – You might say.   Well, their main “bulwark” is hidden under a deceiving mantra, and the banner they are showing is the support to “Planned Parenthood”.  Considering the difficulties PP is having, many women are willing to jump into anything that promises support to PP.  You could call this, “bamboozling fools with total impunity”.

~ Mr. Chane worked for years as an Attorney for Banks and Lending institutions, where he specialized on winning “foreclosures” for his masters, and evicting families from their homes… not an outstanding democratic goal! (Peter Schorsh from the Florida Politics expressed this on his article “IN CD 18 RACE, JONATHAN CHANE (MISTAKENLY) CASTS FIRST STONE AGAINST RANDY PERKINS"

~ Chane is a neophyte, but he has a strong pro-Israel stand, and is firmly connected to the Jewish religious establishment (President and member of the Board of Trustees of ‘Temple Judea’. Also active in the ARC and the ‘Jewish Federation of Palm Beach Co’ [on  2011, ‘Progressive Jewish Alliance’ merged with ‘Jewish Funds for Justice’, adopting the name ‘Bend the ARCin 2012.]).  Money soon started to pour to Chane’s coffers, from the usual pro-Israel PACs that buy influence in Congress. His take is about $300,000 so far, and “there is more where that came from” … a lot more!

~ Under the sponsorship of JACPAC, Mr. Chane had a ‘Women for Chane’ Facebook Event (about 50 women attended) where they expressed “Florida's 18th District deserves a Democratic nominee who is 100% pro-choice. With attacks on women, and Congress trying to cut Planned Parenthood out of the budget, we need a champion for women as our nominee in South Florida.”. 

Many ladies, quite a few non-Jewish, attended that event; some –including Melissa McKinley- gave there her endorsement to Chane, probably unaware of the Israeli Trojan Horse that Jonathan is, or has become.

** PERKINS has a high-school diploma and not much else.  Yet, he succeeded in business, and that 'RAGS TO RICHES' story has impressed top democratic brass in Washington, and they like the fact that he can avoid going to debates, compensating that by placing expensive adds where he can say whatever he wants without being opposed by anybody. They say he already spent close to $2 Million.

~ He was not with me and Chane when we went to meet the Editorial Board of the Palm Beach Post, apparently they interviewed him privately, or not interview at all. Yet, he came on top as the 'endorsed' by their paper.


** Money brings influence and friends, so CHANE has been invited by the “river warriors” to visit the “damage to the estuaries by the Okeechobee discharges”.

~ Curiously, they have not invited me, and -modesty aside- I have the books and the websites to prove that I have been -for decades- an environmentalist watchdog and farsighted visionary.  Ironic, isn’t it? 

 (Please, visit some day: [1979], [2006], [1992], and (Zeroing in Underground Energy Technologies ©2008 , conferences on that topic were given by me at M.I.T and Harvard universities ).

~ You could also visit those pages on this web, under ENVIRONMENTALIST, where I talk about Lake Okeechobee, and present original solutions to that calamity.

~ As an experience attorney, CHANE is well spoken (good verbiage), despite the depth of knowledge -in matters not related to litigation- is shallow.  Often brings anecdotes of his parents and grandparents who fled nazis in Europe.   The "important" fact that he was born and raised in the area.  Emphasizes his concern for the future of his 'beautiful' children and family.  As a good lawyer he learned what to answer, and tries to show empathies with folk, as to give the impression that he masters the issues of the environment as well as social issues. Yet, he rarely mentions statistics or action plans, because that is not his turf. In other words, a lot of rhetoric and empty words.

~ About 75% of our Congressmen have a degree in Law, so regardless of lack of overall Math, Science or Technology knowledge, they do quite well. People is gullible.




~ I am one of the first supporters Bernie Sanders has had, announced my endorsement to him even before he had started his presidential campaign (May 2015).

~ I welcomed that he is Jewish, as a matter of fact all my idols are Jewish (as a Theoretical Physics Professor that I am, always had great admiration not just for Dr. Albert Einstein, but also for Dr. Richard Feynman, Dr. Steven Weinberg, Dr. Erwin Schrodinger, Dr. Lawrence Krauss, Dr. Leonard Susskind, Dr. Edward Witten, Dr. Murray Gell-Mann, Dr. Sheldon Glashow, ...and many more.  All ethnic Jews; yet, all non-believers and all non-political.

~ As Sanders, I am also authentic, and during my 2002 campaign I was pro: Women-Choice, LGBT, Immigration Reform, Rising the Minimum Wage, Universal Healthcare, and a plethora of other social issues…. Yet, I don't expect endorsements from anybody.   Because, with empty coffers, the mainstream media and political organizations look at you as a "no-hope candidate" ... Unless Bernie-Democrats surprised them all, and you become the 'Dark Horse' who nobody expected to win.

(Please visit my “2002 legacy webs” at [with the progress of the campaign] and [on issues coverage])


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Candidate:  John Xuna (also Juan and Xoán)

 P.O.Box 426, Port Salerno, FL 34992   <<-- to write to candidate or donations

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